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Technology You Can Trust


Do you dream of zero click biometric user sign on?
We’ve got you!  With our seamless API plugin, SQR account holders can sign on and bet instantly even if they have never played on your site before.
The player simply selects sign up with SQR, opens their app and scans the QR code on the screen.

We work cross-platform, so if your user is on a mobile device they just click the link to add their SQR Token and smile at the camera – their face will securely sign them up.


Once verified, a user’s facial biometrics is embedded within an advanced secure QR code through leading proprietary technology.
Each app user’s face is now inextricably linked with their corresponding code, enabling both an individual’s privacy and protection from fraud in one fell swoop.
With our enhanced encryption we can allow users to navigate entry systems, even if they don’t have their QR code, or a smartphone, to hand.


Trust and confidence is paramount when allowing customers access to regulated products and services,  both on and offline. If you need to know whether an individual should be using your services, for example are they over a certain age, are they a politically exposed person, up until now, you’ve had to hold this data yourself.
With SQR, you can trust that our verified Secure QR code represents the individual that holds the authenticated account.  And, you can trust that our platform will provide answers to your questions, without your organisation having to hold any personal data in-house.  
Individuals have every right to be wary of sharing their personal data, and businesses can’t relinquish their compliance requirements lightly. It’s not been an easy balance to achieve.

Key Features

AI Driven
Secure Tokenisation
Seamless Payment Gateway
Cross Platform & Multi-network
IDv, KYC & AML Solution
Geolocation Tracker
Full liveness Testing
Payment Card Validation
Responsible Gambling Solution
Chargeback Prevention
Simple API Integration
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