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User Benefits

There are a few simple steps to set up your verified SQR account. Once completed, our tech will generate and allocate you with both a unique SQR number and a secure QR code. You can use both of these, along with your face, to prove you are who you say you are, without handing over any more information to other third parties.
In order to access the SQR app, you use your face as the key. Data points from your face are encrypted in to the QR code, so only you can authorise actions, like payments, from your SQR app.


Keep your data under wraps – we don’t share your personal data with third parties.

Verifying and guaranteeing your identity with one click and a smile.

Enhanced data security – removing the need to share personal information and payment details for every transaction made.

Ultra secure payments.

Automatic age verification.

Secure two-factor authentications transactions available in person and online.

Cashless checkouts.

Pay with face.

One account for multiple uses.

Book and receive tickets direct to your app.

SQR Prevents

Identity Theft

Disputed Payments

Bot Attacks

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